IIS 6: Enable HTTPS for Multiple Web Sites
Once you have added the SSL certificate to your website(s), if not then head over to read IIS 6: Add a Certificate to a Website to see how.
If you have a wildcard certificate, enabling HTTPS on port
Software engineering blog for mobile and web
Once you have added the SSL certificate to your website(s), if not then head over to read IIS 6: Add a Certificate to a Website to see how.
If you have a wildcard certificate, enabling HTTPS on port
If you have not already done so, add your website certificate by importing it into Windows Server 2003 by read the following post: Windows Server 2003: Import a Certificate into MMC.
To add your certificate
If you have not added the Certificate Snap-in to Microsoft Management Console (MMC) then visit the post Windows Server 2003: Adding the Certificate Snap-in.
To import a certificate provided by your domain
To add the Certificate Snap-in to Microsoft Management Console (MMC) in Windows Server 2003 follow the steps below:
There you have it, the Certificate Snap-in will be shown. Once you are done using
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