Mac OS X: Bash Fix For “Shellshock”

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Official Apple Updates For Bash

OS X bash Update 1.0 – OS X Mavericks
OS X bash Update 1.0 – OS X Lion
OS X bash Update 1.0 – OS X Mountain Lion

Alternative to Apple Bash

Warning: proceed with caution. This is for advanced users. This will involve manipulating system files.

First, check which version of bash your Mac is running and if it is not 4.3.x then proceed:

Normal Installation

First you’ll need to install homebrew, READ MORE

AngularJS and Javascript Tips

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This is part five of my look into AngularJS.

  1. AngularJS Intro and Setup
  2. AngularJS and Modernizr
  3. AngularJS and jQueryUI DatePicker
  4. AngularJS with TextArea and Scroll To
  5. AngularJS and Javascript Tips
  6. Coming soon…


AngularJS functions that can be used instead of using typeof(). For instance READ MORE

AngularJS with TextArea and Scroll To

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

This is part four of my look into AngularJS.

  1. AngularJS Intro and Setup
  2. AngularJS and Modernizr
  3. AngularJS and jQueryUI DatePicker
  4. AngularJS with TextArea and Scroll To
  5. AngularJS and Javascript Tips
  6. Coming soon…

Using textarea For Multiline Input

In AngularJS this is how you would use textarea in HTML.

For more information on attributes that are available, READ MORE